So whats the problem??
There is almost no social media, no YouTube content or really any informative information given to you from the industry leaders.
I’m going to change that.
Follow our facebook, Instagram and youtube and I will be providing consistent weekly content.
This content will cover everything about our industry, options you have with an annuity, and educational content that will assist you to make the best decision possible when it comes to your policy and financial future.
This type of information should be readily available to you online to do your own personal non-biased research.
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What does the process look like when you need cash from your annuity?
How long does the process take?
What do you need to do throughout the process?
We go in detail in this video on the process from start to finish on what is involved to get cash now from your annuity.
Case Study 1 – Using Funds to invest in your business. How this customer is turning $342k into $2.16 million.
We will call this customer M for sake of this video. M was due $587k over the span of 18 years.
The present day valuation on those future payments gave him access to a $342k lump sum.
M needed to replace a ton of old outdated unusable equipment and repair other machinery in order to maintain his annual income. For him, John Deere equipment isn’t cheap!
Simple decision, Continue to stick with only the annuity income and sacrifice the business, or get the cash now to invest in everything the business needed and maintain $120k per year of a proven business strategy for his family.
At $120k per year he will bring in $2.16 million over the next 18 years. That’s $1.5 million more over the same timeframe as the 18 years of annuity payments.
How you can use your structured settlement to pay for Further Education and increase your salary!
What is a Benefits Letter? If you have an annuity this is one of the most important documents you need for you personal files!
It shows 3 very important things:
Who issues your payments?
When is it due?
What is owed?
If You need help obtaining an updated benefits letter from your insurance company and you’re not sure what to do, call our office and we can help for FREE. Call 866-203-8881.
We can also provide you with a FREE template that you can use to request an updated benefits letter on your own as many insurance companies require a written request to mail it to you.
What are guaranteed payments?
What are life contingent payments?
In this video we go over what they are as well as how they could effect your beneficiary.
We also discuss a common remark "my payments are guaranteed for life." The answer, yes and no.
Find out why in the video
Always do your research!
Who are you talking to about your policy?
Did you get their full name? Did you look up the individual and company to make sure they are both credible?
Make sure there are NO red flags when talking to a company.
Your annuity is a valuable asset and you should make sure to work with top notch people and companies.
Investment Vehicles - a product used by investors to gain a positive return on your investment.
We briefly touch on structured settlements, real estate, stocks and crypto.
Which vehicle is going to help you accomplish your financial goals and get you to where you ultimately want to be?
Think to yourself, if I had a large sum of money right here, right now, where would I put it?
COLA stands for Cost of Living Adjustment. It is an increase to your payment stream to counteract the affect of rising prices in the economy aka inflation!
A fixed monthly payment stream will fail to provide you with the necessary funds to keep up with the costs of goods and services over time. So a COLA is built in protection to ensure your payment stream grows along with the costs.
The average annual rate of inflation is 3%, which is why the most common COLA we see on policies is also 3%. However we have seen policies range anywhere from 1-6%. For example, if you currently receive $1000 per month with a 3% annual COLA, the next year that monthly income would be $1030. This same 3% increase would happen every year for the duration of the annuity contract. 10 years from now that payment stream will be $1,343 and 20 years from now it would be $1806 per month. This shows you the power a COLA can have on your monthly income over time.
If you do have a COLA, consider yourself one of the lucky ones as most policies we see do NOT have this added inflation protection. If you don’t have a COLA, what are you doing to protect against inflation? Let us know in the comments
The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double your money. By dividing 72 by the annual rate of return, you will obtain the amount of years it will take to double the initial investment!
Lets look at an example. So if you divide 72 by an annual growth rate of 12% you will find that it would take 6 years for you to double your money.
You will find the rule of 72 useful when planning out your financial goals. When making long term financial goals this will help you project how long and when you can expect to make the returns you are looking for in specific investments. It wont be exact unless youre dealing with fixed rates, but it can give you a great indication on expectations.
What is a minors order / infants compromise?
We briefly discuss how this established a structured settlement for a minor and the options available to you once you are over the age of 18.
Interest Rates!
How have they effected real estate recently?
How will rate increases effect the present day valuation of annuity payments?
Watch the full video for details! Let us know what you think in the comments.