Structured Settlement
Structured Settlements are typically issued to individuals who have been involved in a lawsuit due to personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, etc. Initially, the structured settlement option may have seemed like the best choice, as it provides a safe haven with fixed monthly or yearly payments. However, we understand things change and you may need that cash now. That is where we step in. We can help structure a deal in order to get you the cash you need now from your future structured settlement payments. A common thought is that you need to sell your whole structured settlement. This is far from the truth and we can help explore the options that fit your needs best.
Annuities can be purchased through insurance companies as an investment vehicle. It gives an individual the opportunity to grow their money over the span of many years, while providing a source of steady income. The unfortunate part of this investment is that you are stuck waiting for monthly or yearly payments to trickle in. In many cases, you can't call the insurance company and ask for a lump sum of cash now. We can help get your cash now by working with you and your insurance company to purchase the future payments owed to you. We hope this option can give you the cash you need now in order to take a big step toward financial freedom.
Congratulations! You won the lottery and are quickly given the option to choose the lump sum of cash or the annuity option. If you chose the annuity option, you will receive the lottery winnings over the span of years, typically paid out annually. This may have seemed like the best option at the time, but maybe you want to control your money or make a large purchase. Maybe you no longer want to wait a year in between receiving payments. We can help tailor a transaction around your needs. Let us know your future plans and we can work out an option to help you access the future payments now.