Get Cash Now From Your Structured Settlement
Structured settlements have served as an important role in offering individuals steady income from lawsuits including personal injury, medical malpractice, and wrongful deaths. Others may have become the beneficiary of a structured settlement due to the unfortunate death of a loved one.
The monthly or yearly payments you currently receive may no longer suit your financial needs. If you have structured settlement payments being issued by an insurance company, we may be able to assist you in getting a lump sum of cash from your structured settlement. You have the ability to access part of or all of your future payments depending on your financial needs.
Contact us today to get cash now from your future payments!
We at American Annuity Funding have helped individuals access their structured settlement payments for various reasons including, but not limited to:
Starting a business or expanding an existing one
Purchasing a reliable vehicle
Placing a down payment on a new home or paying off an existing mortgage
Renovations on your current home
Paying off student loans
Paying off high interest debt such as credit cards
Paying off medical or legal bills
Consulting with and working with a financial advisor on a comprehensive financial plan
We offer FREE, no obligation quotes showing you what your futures payments are worth right now. We can find a solution to your financial problem or opportunity in the fastest time possible.
Call us today to speak with a Structured Settlement Specialist.

The American Dream
In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth."
At American Annuity Funding, we would like to give you the opportunity to better your chances of living the American Dream. Get the cash from your annuity NOW and start building toward a better future. If having access to your cash gives you a better, fuller and richer life with more opportunity to succeed, take full advantage! We encourage you to become debt free and financially independent. Accomplish your goal of purchasing a new home or start your own business. Whatever the reason may be, we are willing to help as long as your use of funds is in your best interest. After all, our clients are treated like family and we make it our priority to keep your best interest in mind.
Call us now to begin your journey to living the American Dream!